I picked Dad up from the airport really early in the morning and then got him to minyan. We Made some interesting friends along the way...
We had a Gorgous lunch at the old tachana and we walked around the area. I brought dad to school with me. He loved my classes! We had our pre race dinner at an Italian style restaurant by Mamilla which was delicious.
We walked around town after and Dad got to see the Yeshivah/ seminary scene hahaha
We had to wake up at 4 for the race
We both trained really hard and raised money for organizations of our choice in memory of Grandma Millie. The race was unbelievable. We started by the Knesset went through town, the old city, shaare tzion and around the emek area. We ended in Gan Soccer in about 2:09. We didn't do it for time so that's not too bad taking the INSANE hills and heat we were faced with into consideration. We had our post race celebratory lunch at Kadosh and then went to the shuk
Dad really dug that. We bought some dried fruits and juices and relaxed in the sun. Really chill
Friday night was amazing. We went to the kotel for Kabbalat Shabbat. Dad "Davened" with the Hakotel minyan. I was watching through the mechitzah and he was dancing with them hahahaa
All of a sudden a huge troop of soldiers showed up at the kotel singing and praying with all their might. Everyone watched and was brought to tears ( at least I was). The kids are literally my age. I never get over how their place in life is so different than mine. They don't think about getting concert tickets and going out for lunch, they think about how they can best serve our country.
Dinner at the Inbal was phenommmm
We got an early nights sleep after one of the longest days of our lives..
Shul Saturday was great. We really just chilled Saturday. There rest of our week consisted of ATVing, eating, segwaying, wine tasting, eating , eating , buying souvenirs , going to Yad Vashem the holocaust museum, and eating. 😄😄😄😄
We really went to great restaurants. Hit me up for reccomedations. How did I spell that?
Okay anyways here's pics
It was a crazy few days and it was great having my dadddddy