So I've been up in bed for a couple of hours now and there's so much time to kill until wake up. Good thing girls from last year left weights in my closet! How many lbs is 5 kilos?
I also got to hang up most of my pictures .check it and I'm not even done yet
Today was mentally exhausting. I sat through so many orientations its ridic that I'm not asleep right now.
So we met our רקזות , or learning coaches, who are really so adorable! It was such a tease I wana learn already but class doesn't start until Sunday
They were talking about such spiritual topics which is right up my alley.
Basically right now were in the month of אלול which is the month of תשובה so we spoke about a few aspects of that. It got me so excited for the year to start already like I just want to be settled in ya know?
We got to leave to go to קבר רחל where I read the special prayer. I read it in English and it was so special.
A few years ago a woman was Murdered the night before her wedding along with her father. It was such a tragedy in Israel and in her memory, her mother put her wedding dress in רחלs tomb. Visiting and praying is really such a great way to keep her name alive and eternalize her.
We went to Rav Eitans house for a BBQ which was actually delicious and we played ice breaker games like freshman lol
Went to Ben Yehuda with Rebecca and met up with some Shraga boys
It's a cinnamon stick. Relax.
When we got back I stayed up late making my schedule. I'll let you know how that goes
It's 2 am and I want to wake up early to run sooooooo yeah
It was ten years ago, and the man who was murdered with his daughter was also a rabbi and our doctor at Midreshet. An amazing man and a horrible tragedy...Rabbi Doctor Applebaum.