The back of their house is a dining room. It's just for Shabbat and that's it. During the rest of the week the doors are closed. But when I think about it, I have the same thing. We only eat in there on Shabbat. So what made this room different than mine? There was just some sort of רוח coming from inside and I really felt the presence of שבת קודש there as we lit candles and made the Beracha.
I'm not saying that I don't have a dining room in my house that we do Shabbat meals in, I'm just trying to emphasize how important Shabbat is. We leave out one day a week to rest and its really beautiful. The idea of separation. Separate silver wear, special candles, special foods, and a special room. It's really a big part of what makes Shabbat so enjoyable.