Mind blown
One of the teachers here, Rav Jason Knapel actually blew my mind away in class recently. We have to understand the world.
It's crazy to think that I'm in Israel for the year. If my ancestors saw a picture of me that said Jerusalem, 2013 they would think I'm living in the time of Mashiach. 65 Years ago people thought our state was dead. They didn't even think we were worth resuscitating. We need to have the clarity of vision to see what's going on. This was impossible a couple hundred years ago.
Another thing we need to be more open minded about (don't kill me if it sounds too frum) is the major power of our יצר הרע. The whole thing is that it wants to mess with our heads and mess up our train of thought. At the end of the day, our יצר הרע is us. We don't realize the power of our spirituality. Hashem made us and specifically determined us to be here so aren't we something big???? We have to look at it like that and see our potential. יצר הרע sticks its claws into our head and mixes us up.
For example, הר סיני when our nation was receiving the Torah. בני ישראל was said to be so spiritual that we HEARD lightening and SAW thunder. Sounds like something too deep to comprehend doesn't it? But in reality, we can see from this that instead of looking at the שמים that opened up for us, we were looking at the pretty light show on the side.
We can't be narrow minded.
When you're close minded we lose holy moments.
Absorb that.
Mind blown agreed. Staying on the right path can be a challenge but when we stop and think that we were created for a reason.. We find clarity.
ReplyDeleteMillie - Jason Knapel was in my grade - small world!