Usually we know that Esav is the 讘讻讜专 and Yaakov was born after. Let's look at what Rashi has to say about this... Okay so picture a tube. If you put 2 mables in and then turn it over, the one you put in first will come out second and the one you put in second will come out first. This is how the Midrash explains what's going on here. Apparently Yaakov was conceived first so Esav was born first. Interesting no?
Okay here's another idea in the Parasha.
Let's say a king is going to the bathhouse (think olden days) . So first the cleaner goes in and makes sure it's ready for the king to use. So even though the cleaner was in there first the king is still more important than him.
So above in pasuk 讻讛 or 25 it says 讛专讗砖讜谉. Why can't is just say 专讗砖讜谉? Let's look at 讙诪专讗 驻住讞讬诐. Why is 讞诪抓 not allowed on 注专讘 驻住讞? Shouldn't is start at nightfall? It says "讗讱 诪讬讜诐 讛专讗砖讜谉 砖转讘讬讗 讛讞诪抓 诪讘讬转诐״
So why not 专讗砖讜谉? Because that would mean first day of holiday. So 讛专讗砖讜谉 means 注专讘. Its a day of preparation. Sooooo 专讗砖讜谉 means first and 讛专讗砖讜谉 means pre. Set things up, get it ready. The bathroom cleaner gets the bathhouse ready for the king.
Let's explain further. In pasuk 讻讜 or 26 it says 讜讗讞专讬-讻谉. Why can't it just say 讗讞专讬讜? 讜讗讞专讬-讻谉 means "after everything that happened" - then comes the king. Everything was set up. It's not referring to the person.
It's clear from the pasuk that Yaakov was supposed to be the 讘讻讜专. Not just the oldest. It's an honor. It's a responsibility to lead the Jewish people following in the footsteps of 讗讘专讛诐 讜讬爪讞拽.
Esav was "讗讬砖 讬讜讚注 爪讬讚, 讗讬砖 砖讚讛״. Why does it say 讗讬砖 twice? According to Midrash, he was two faced. He was a 专诪讗讬, a fake, a phony. But Yaakov was an 讗讬砖 转诐- his inside and outside were the same. He did what he said and he said what he did.
Yitzchak loves Esav. He benefitted from his steaks. How can we believe that Yitzchak is influenced from a good BBQ?
And Rivka loved Yaakov...
Yaakov was making lentil soup and Esav walks in tired from the field. Esav asks for some soup and Yitzchak tells him he'll only give him some if he sells him his birthright. They argue for a moment and then Esav SELLS HIS BIRTHRIGHT FOR SOUP. Come onnnnnnnnn
If Esav really wanted the birthright he would not of sold it. You know you don't picture him as a pushover. It wouldn't make sense. Oh Yitzchak can you please pass the lentil soup? Please, Esav could of taken it himself. He felt better after he ate it. He could of punched Yitzchak out and said hey sorry I changed my mind. Sue me! What you gonna do about it?? Yaakov would run away scared. Well not only did Esav not do anything before and after this event, we see that he didn't even want the 讘讻讜专讛. He had no use of it. "讜讬讘讝 注砖讜 讗转 讛讘讻讜专讛. ״
Here's another question.
Why was Yaakov standing around cooking Ades soup? There's an opinion that says this was the day 讗讘专讛诐 died and the whole world came out for his funeral. The whole world except for Esac that is... He came in from the field. Yaakov was making Shivah food (round food representing the circle of life) Yaakovs like Esav where were you today? You didn't come to grandpas funeral?
Yitzchak saw that the next guy after h would have to be a fighter and withstand other nations. Not just spiritual. He's gotta be ready, willing, and able to fight. Who does Yitzchak pick? Both sons have some and some qualities but brother have he whole package. He knows Esav isn't spiritual. He didn't even go to his grandpas funeral!!!! He just needed a hunter. If he keeps his son close, maybe he'll come around.
Rivka loved Yaakov because she felt that you can make Yaakov who already had Torah and all- a fighter if need be. Esav was a fighter but he will never have 讬专讗转 讛׳ like his brother. So it's not love, it's leadership qualifications. Yitzchak and Rivka didn't pick favorites.
Ok so the end of the Parasha. (Congrats on reading this far. Shout out to my sister Sara! Can't believe you read all the way to here. 馃帀)
How do you steal a 讘专讻讛? It's coming from 讛׳ no? You can't steal it. Poor Yitzchak didn't know what was going on. Behind the scenes, Rivka and Yitzchak were negotiating who should get the 讘讻讜专 and Rivka wanted Yaakov to get it.
(This is perek 讻讝)
Maybe dad will find out who I am??
Well the Vilna Gaon says 驻谉 has a negative connotation. It means maybe to something that you don't want happening. However, 讗讜诇讬, as it appears in the passuk has a rather positive connotation. Something you do want happening so
(My mind was blown when I figured this out)
He WANTS his dad to feel his hands and know who he is.
The famous passuk and the namesake of our siddur Kol Yaakov.
Yitzchak knows exactly what's going on!! He's declaring what's right. He had the voice of the Yaakov and the hands of Esav. He's already spiritual and he can become a fighter. He's good to go. Esav will never come around spiritually.
Today in 注诐 讬砖专讗诇, we have no choice, our backs are against the wall. We have to be militarily ready and strong. 讘专讜讱讛׳ today so many young men and women are in Israel learning 转讜专讛, 诪爪讜讜转 and in Ulpan. What you see going on here is that famous pasuk 22.
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