This weeks Parasha is Vayechi. Jacob is about to die so he talks to all of his sons individually and gives them blessings.
He's the oldest and the strongest and he's up these BUT hes פחז כמים. He has "water-like impetuosity." In English, this means that he didn't think before he acted. It was one mistake that led him to lose his national leadership. He was hasty and reckless. Rashi says that he acted like flowing waters that rush in any direction and don't think about the consequences. Therefore, אל-תותר- you cannot be foremost. Jacob flat out tells Reuven, his oldest son, that he doesn't deserve to serve in the superior positions that were designated for him.
תרגום יונתן says that since he sinned the birthright was given to Joseph, the Kingship
to Judah, and the priesthood (כהונה) to Levi.
Reuven interfered with his fathers affairs. He moved his father, Jacobs bed to Leah's tent. (This is a Rashi- in the פשט it says "וילך ראובן וישכב את בלהה- which can be interpreted differently) His intentions were good. He didn't want his dad to sleep with his maidservant before his mother. So listen, we know how important כי יד אב ואם is and we wouldn't think that someone like Reuven would do something to violate it. However, even minor sins of great people are judged with great gravity.
This whole situation is totally relatable to our lives today. We really need to think before we act. Each and every one of our decisions can have such a huge reward or consequence. We live in an instant gratification society and sometimes we don't think our choices through. We have to take into accounts the possible ramifications of our actions. We have to use the free will we were blessed with wisely and make sure we don't stray from the path of who we are/ want to be. It's crazy how a mistake that takes a second to make can ruin so much of what you have going for you. It's all because we didn't stop and think about what we were about to do. I'd like to believe, personally, that if Reuven stopped before moving the bed to think about the possible ramifications of his action, he would of stopped in his tracks and not done it.
So the next time you're about to bash your friend behind her back, talk back to your parent, chest on your test, or even pig out at 1am, stop and think. I feel like these are all situations that people can be found in, naturally, but they don't always THINK before their final decision.
Shabbat Shalom!
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