
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Shabbat by Lauren

First of all I didn't realize my Shmot blog didn't go through last week so sorry

Last Shabbat was great! We were six girls staying by our Rakezet, Lauren. We got an empty apartment down the block so we had great accommodations. I love going there for Shabbat. It's Lauren, her husband and their two daughters who are like 3 and 1. They live In Ramat Eshkol and their building it's swarming with little kids just running around. They walk into any apartment and talk to whoever is there. Like little kids were popping in all Shabbat just to say hey or get a snack. 
At the dinner table Lauren's husband Issachar Dov (or Kevin) shares a Halacha בן אדם לחברו every week. This week it was about greeting everyone you meet with a pleasant face. You should be constantly smiling when you see people and you should try to be the first one to say hi. Nice
They also read this book called What If? It basically gives you a situation and asks you what to do. 
  • A man jokingly tells his friend to microwave an etrog to make it ripen quickly - who is responsible for the damage?
  • A surgeon learns a new technique from a presentation, without paying the entrance fee. May he use that technique, or is it stealing?
  • A mother doesn't want to reveal her child's illness, thus keeping people from praying for him. Is that permitted?
It's stuff like that. So much fun. 
(Lauren I know you read my blog sometimes so hey, your food was great!!!!)
Saturday was chill. The second after lunch was mincha and then a second after that was seudat shilishit and right after that was havdala. It was all so quick!!
It was a good one. I got to read some of my (signed!!) Jonothan Sacks book. It's called Covenant and Conversation. It's about Sefer Shmot and it goes through it Parasha by Parasha with insights you've never seen before. Def recommend it! Not an easy read but it's great
Kk peace

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