
Thursday, August 29, 2013


We The past three days were great because I'm starting to feel the routine around here. The classes are nice and spaced out and we have a lot of free time. Only two of my days run late and I have frees those days which is great. 

We have so much free time but its important for us to realize that we have to use it wisely. My mom (hey mom!) isn't going to Staples for me to get my notebooks. I actually have to get on a train and go get them. Same thing for grocery shopping (were given meals but I don't always like them)    And also for laundry!! I did my own laundry the other day. Such an experience figuring out how to use the machines. It's a whole other world down there.
I Freaken had to fold everything and put it back. I'm really appreciating my house so much right now. Like the shower is so gross that I'm showering at the gym whenever I go. 

Another thing I have to do on my own is GO TO SLEEP. It's like a sleepover every night here and no one sleeps so its really my responsibility to listen to my body and just leave early when it gets too late for me (especially since I wake up early to exercise) 
  It's also a big thing for me that I'm living with two girls that Ive literally just met. ברוךה׳ I got normal room mates (I actually love them, hey guys) but its an enormous change especially since I had my own room all summer. 

I LOVE running here. I follow the new train tracks so I stay in the main parts of town. I even have a (new) friend that's like really fast. The hills are nuts and so is the heat and the wind. Brooklyn's gonna be a breeze when I get back. Plus I found a stunning gym that I signed up for. 

As if I didn't love the atmosphere in school enough, it got a lot better the other night. I was playin some uke the other night in the common area and a few other girls came to sing along. Little by little more girls were showing up with guitars and everything and we just had one giant jam sesh. Totally up my alley.

Another thing that woow-ed me was my rakezet (learning coach) . We were put into groups and were sent to our rakezets homes. When we walked in Lauren was holding her baby in one arm and holding her 3 year old daughter with the other. Her smile was brilliant and she was just glowing. So basically the entire time she was trying to give a shiur her kids were disrupting us to the point where I was wondering where her patience was coming from. After about ten minutes her daughter pulled the table cloth from under the table and Lauren just came out and said "HASHEM is testing me." For some reason this made my jaw drop. I was thinking like this girl is on another level. Later she passed around papers and has us write down our goals for the year so that during our private weekly meeting we could refer to it. 
At the end of the lesson as her daughter was tugging at her skirt she was like "I hope I passed the test" lol 
When it comes to little things like this, I remember the quote we learned ״אזו החכם הלומד מכל אדם״ which means that a smart person is someone who learns from every person they meet. 

I really hope I can review and reflect often because one of my main goals is to absorb and take in everything I find inspiring this year and apply it to my life. 
Carrying Iz back to school cuz she broke her toe!?


We went to the beach to watch sunset. Obv I had a crowd to please

Brooklyn meets Britain 

We think he was trying to split the sea

Wearing shorts has never felt so amazing 

Welcome to Israel. Three girls getting off the train with me. The oldest one can't be more than 8 Years old


  1. Millie I am LOVING these posts!! So proud of you for all the independence your gaining, and for getting the most out of your experience there! But then again that's Millie style.. Wouldn't expect less.. Keep it up and enjoy!! Love you!!

  2. Hi millie, I cant tell you how much I am enjoying "following" you like this, im having a vicarious experience like no other....especially with the pics, I feel I'm reading a book ...Gd bless you..and your parents for having the guts to lets you go! Enjoy and be careful please when you running alone. ..even though 8 yr olds are on the train alone...are we brooklyn mothers too overprotective?
    Happy healthy successful fun safe and wonderful new year!
