
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Simchat Torah/ Shabbat

Stayed by Sylvia Faham for Simchat Torah. It was nice to be in another Syrian home. Her kids were so cute! They were all raised in Israel and you could tell. They're soooo Israeli.
This is Sylvia's son יחיאל . Cutest mush ever. We bonded over Mr. Potato head and toy cars. 
 I put one of her daughters, Naomi to sleep. I read some Parasha to her in bed. Cutest thing. The holiday was pretty chill. I kinda missed Shaare Shalom. I missed dancing in the women section slash watching the men drunkenly do hakafot. We really have the best shul in Brooklyn ברוךה׳. 

I went to Frieda's room mates apartment for Shabbat. Her family temporarily lives in Israel. It's pretty cool. They lived in a lot of places like Hong Kong, Indonesia, and then NY/NJ. We were like seven girls. Friday night was great we stayed up until 3am. Saturday after lunch we chilled at the Inbal. I felt like such a seminary girl there hahaha. 
So yeah pretty chilled end of vacation. Except for the whole wallet got stolen thing. 


  1. Sounds like an awesome vacation.. Even with the wallet story! (At least you got a story out of it). Happy you got a chance to explore and enjoy the country a bit before the school routine kicks in.. And shaare shalom misses you too!!!

  2. ^^^^ Shaare shalom misses you LIKE CRAZY!
